41 ideeën over Autodesk inventor | werktuigbouwkunde, plaatwerk, metalen meubels - Before you begin

41 ideeën over Autodesk inventor | werktuigbouwkunde, plaatwerk, metalen meubels - Before you begin

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Autodesk inventor 2015 frame generator free. How to publish custom profiles in Inventor to be used with the Frame Generator 


Solved: frame generator parts - Autodesk Community.


Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. Showing results for. Search instead for. Did you mean:. This page has been translated for your convenience with an automatic translation service. This is not an official translation and may contain errors and inaccurate translations.

Autodesk does not warrant, either expressly or implied, the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the information translated by the machine translation service and will not be liable for damages or losses caused by the trust placed in the translation service. Back to Inventor Category. Back to Topic Listing Previous Next. Message 1 of Frame generator is a verry good start. But for making a frame there is more to it than beams. Good luck! No problem a beam of mm becoms one of mm.

Francis Solved! Message 2 of Message 3 of I suspect you never sleep! It is an idea for one of the problems. I have to find some solutions for the other problems. Message 4 of OK I find probably a solution. Paul Schneider a chap from Germany made an application that functions with Inventor ad provide all the things that do not exist in frame generator.

It is calls ASi-profile and I gone to test it next week. Message 5 of I think this would be an interesting approach. I will by the program because it is on the same platform as Inventor!

And this is a great advantage. Perfection is not of this world but it can evaluate in the good direction. Maybe Autodesk and ASI should put they heads together. Message 6 of Thanks for sharing your research! Message 7 of Message 8 of How much Inventor Training have you had? Message 9 of JD, I am a certified Solidworks Professional.

Message 10 of Message 11 of JD, At work right now, but will try to come up with something later. Tomorrow i will post the file. Message 6 of Many thanks! Johnson Shiue johnson. Message 7 of Attached you can find the drawing. Preview file. Message 8 of Thanks again! Message 9 of Message 10 of Message 11 of Hi Engineer Thank you very much.

Is that right? Message 12 of Also be generous with Likes! Thank you and enjoy! Message 13 of Hi, The problem is the software also puts the same number 63 on pieces that have different lengths. Message 14 of Message 15 of Thanks Can i get that blueprints? I also want to see the full map!

Post Reply. See the Help topic Frame Generator browser. Be sure to check out the guided tutorial gallery for hands-on experience creating and analyzing frames. You can either: Create a model to use as a frame skeleton and place it in an assembly file Place Component. Define the structure of a frame in the context of the assembly Create Component. Frame member reuse You can reuse identical straight frame members to cut down on the total number of identical files. Note: Stock Number is also used for parts list roll up in drawings.

If you publish structural parts you have used in the past, the stock number can already be defined. Note: The Content Center must be connected, and the libraries involved must be attached to the current project. When you are not connected to the Content Center, the Insert and Change commands are not available in Frame Generator. Driven Length feature A driven dimension feature called Driven Length is added to frame members during the authoring and migrating process in Frame Generator.

What can I do with Frame Generator? Create frame members from vertices and edges of existing subassemblies. Build framing directly from other machine components within an assembly. Use multiple skeletal models in an assembly.

Create frame members between skeletal models. Define frame end caps, cross-sections, and notch profiles and place them in the Content Center. What are the commands within Frame Generator? Insert Defines a frame member to insert into an assembly. Use the eyedropper to copy the size and orientation information from an existing frame member.

Change Edits the properties of frame members, and controls the position of frame members in relation to the model. Miter Applies one or more miter cuts as end treatments between frame members. Notch Notches one frame member to fit another using custom or basic profiles. Corner Joint Trims and extends two frame members at their ends.

Cuts a frame member with a model face.



- Best Way to Copy Frame Generator Assembly - Autodesk Community


The actual generator has allso some problems; You are creating sommething, so sometimes you must change the size of the beam. Next when you completed the frame you can start the clumbersomme work off making individual drawings off every element off that frame.

It is maby nice to have mudbox in the suit. A good working frame generator would make more peaple happy. Go to Solution. Solved by JDMather. It would be nice to have a built in generator for things like caps and reinforcement gussets, but I suspect most users have a limited number of sizes they need and even if not limited it would be pretty easy to create iParts for the purpose.

The price in comparison with other programs that do not communicate with Inventor are much more expensive. Summe 2. I asked them many times for a solution but until now I dint received any reply. When I get acquainted with the program I let you know and I will inform the Belgian representatives. This program looks very impressive, and quite a lot of work went into it I would love to hear how well it will work for you, Solidworks has a very good frame generator, I believe it is called Solidworks Weldments.

Has easy placement of gussets, caps, easy to change sizes, cut list, and it generates a part file, instead of an assembly file. The skeleton sketch in Solidworks is much easier to build also. Inventor has terrible 3d sketching tools, or a lack therof. Solidworks has Inventor beat in a lot of areas. I use both. The biggest thing Solidworks does is make their software intuitive. Its not as advanced as some other software gear more toward surfacing work, but Inventor and Solidworks go head to head in machine design and Solidworks is out ahead by a good margin right now.

I cannot figure out what you see as difference between Inventor and SolidWorks 3D sketching. They both work logically and fine for me! I am a certified Solidworks Professional. I learned Inventor in school, and have been using it professionally off and on for 6 years. The main tools that both packages have for 3d sketching are there, yes, however Solidworks does make it far easier to use. How much Solidworks training or experience do you have?

My technique for 3D sketching is quite different in both SolidWorks and Inventor than the technique that I see most people use. Attach a completed Inventor 3D sketch here or even a SolidWorks example and I will demonstrate how I might create the sketch. At work right now, but will try to come up with something later. Maybe I am unfamiliar with the 3d sketch tools in INventor, but in Solidworks I really like the constraints.

All I can see is to make the line coincident to a plane, or perpendicular to another line. Maybe I need to go to the settings and turn something on to have more 3d sketching tools, but they seem basic in Inventor. I was able to create some nice gun stock designs for Remington Arms in Solidworks, and tried Inventor for similar projects and couldn't get anywhere with it. I wasn't even aware Autodesk had a certification program like Solidworks.

There is a reduced cost "Open Doors" certification day coming up on Oct 2. I think that we all have to come to the conclusion that at the least the frame generator in Inventor has some issues. Is not bad at all. For the it is all a matter of copy and paste.

If you start a project the first day they are already breeding in your neck and wanted to see the results. If possible with a bom and the construction drawings spick and span ready for the workshop.

SO you can forget iPart libraries. I work 7days a week and about 10 hours a day. And last but not least for my friend Raygyver I know 3d sketch in Inventor is a pain in the proverbial! All his videos are very nice. Take a look at it and maybe it will release you of your agony. I finally installed ASI-Profile. It works like a charm!!! IT is adaptive it is intuitive it is parametric it makes correct bill off materials even if you change lengths of profiles during the design.

AND if you put two connection plates on a profile the profile length automatically adapt itself and it does it also in the bill off material. I will continuing working and experimenting with it and I will post you some updates in due course. For those who need bolted structural design in Inventor this is the way to go. It pays itself in one job. Even though that I was the moron they pulled me trough and the job was finish in a minimum of time.

Send me a mail on francis. Take care. Inventor Forum. Share your knowledge, ask questions, and explore popular Inventor topics. Turn on suggestions. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type.

A window cross-select is available to select multiple frame members at a time for reuse. To change end treatments for reused frame members successfully, first change the end treatment on the source member, and then reuse it. To customize the naming convention, navigate to the File tab in Application Options, and then select File Naming Defaults. Customize the assembly and frame member naming options in the Frame Generator tab. Frame Generator is integrated with Content Center.

You can define your own frame cross-sections and add them to the available Content Center libraries for use within Frame Generator. For more information about defining your own frame shapes, see the topic. A driven dimension feature called Driven Length is added to frame members during the authoring and migrating process in Frame Generator. When the driven dimension feature is added to the sketch, it is also listed in the browser as Driven Length. The entities created with the dimension feature are nested under Driven Length.

To see them, use the Explode command, which is available on the context menu in Frame Generator. The Driven Length feature protects the sketch and the reference dimension from inadvertent modification. Frame Generator maintains an updated parts list and ballooning to the associated BOM.

Create a cut list to document frame members and their dimensions and cut treatments. The following commands are located on the Design tab in the Assembly and Weldment environment. Structural Shape Authoring is located on the Manage tab in the part environment. You can insert frame members using the points, lines, and edges, listed:. As soon as you insert the first frame member into an assembly, a hierarchy for the frame is added to the assembly browser. See the Help topic Frame Generator browser.

Be sure to check out the guided tutorial gallery for hands-on experience creating and analyzing frames. You can either: Create a model to use as a frame skeleton and place it in an assembly file Place Component. Define the structure of a frame in the context of the assembly Create Component. Frame member reuse You can reuse identical straight frame members to cut down on the total number of identical files.

Note: Stock Number is also used for parts list roll up in drawings. If you publish structural parts you have used in the past, the stock number can already be defined. Note: The Content Center must be connected, and the libraries involved must be attached to the current project.

When you are not connected to the Content Center, the Insert and Change commands are not available in Frame Generator. Driven Length feature A driven dimension feature called Driven Length is added to frame members during the authoring and migrating process in Frame Generator. What can I do with Frame Generator? Create frame members from vertices and edges of existing subassemblies. Build framing directly from other machine components within an assembly.

Use multiple skeletal models in an assembly. Create frame members between skeletal models. Define frame end caps, cross-sections, and notch profiles and place them in the Content Center.

What are the commands within Frame Generator? Insert Defines a frame member to insert into an assembly. Use the eyedropper to copy the size and orientation information from an existing frame member.


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