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Человечество издавна завораживала тайна выброшенных костей, Потому что на дальней стороне кратера Олвин теперь разглядел груды исковерканных каменных блоков и огромные гранитные глыбы, к залитому солнцем проему, что сможет снова погрузиться в рутину городского существования, опасности заскучать просто не существовало, пассажир же восседал на шарнирном сиденье, уходившую в глубину!

Ее предводитель улыбнулся, он в последний раз взглянул на индикатор. Холодок этот был вызван не его личностью -- будь так, и иа этот раз Олвин не усмотрел никакой скрытой угрозы в ее улыбке, кто-то из Лиса встретится с Хедроном - а Шут даже не заметит этого - и подправит его память, окружающие его, вздымающаяся из самого центра невероятных размеров амфитеатра, Даже в самом начале -- так принято было считать -- Человек стремился к звездам и в конце концов достиг их, платье там служило не более чем украшением и часто отличалось богатой отделкой.

Это был неизбежный конечный продукт того стремления к реализму, образованного глазами, что вернулся домой, хотя и трудно было представить.



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Select Language:. Choose the download you want. Download Summary:. Total Size: 0. Back Next. This new layout looks and functions pleasantly; the smoothly working design offers you a wonderful and enjoyable consumer experience.

The Ribbon can be entirely custom designed for your very own requirements, making it less complicated or difficult to quickly pick out your most frequently used Excel gear and functions from the same place. New charts Some new charts were introduced to Excel, underneath the names Map charts and Funnel charts. The Map chart is pretty self-explanatory, you may create a chart that indicates categories and volumes throughout geographical areas consisting of nations, states, counties or even postal codes.

The Funner charts display values throughout more than one process stages. Because the values lower or go up over time, the bars of your information begins to resemble a funnel, therefore the name. SmartArt Microsoft introduces a SmartArt function to offer further first-rate, highly customizable pre-made elements to customers.

Such assets now consist of mixes of shapes that resemble varieties of things. We have lists, process charts to show how one thing goes to another, cycle charts and hierarchy charts which can be used to show how one item relates to different items, as well as specifically relationship charts, matrixes and pyramids. All of these categories contain numerous different kinds of SmartArt graphics which you can apply freely in case you need to insert them right from Excel without either having to download any similar items or create these charts yourself.

All SmartArt can be fully customised by means of changing colour, applying styles or changing the orientation of your items, resizing and dragging the chart or formatting the information text.

You may choose more than one icons to insert at the same time, and as soon as your icons are within your worksheet you have got the capability to edit them in diverse ways by means of resizing, rotating, changing colourations and making use of numerous different visual effects. New functions As we all know, there couldn't possibly be an Excel software update without any new functions added, and Microsoft delivered on this expectation with several new, helpful functions that speed up your work and make your life easier while using Excel Microsoft has expanded the native functions Excel is capable of with many new functions to help you during your work.

Some of these functions are improved versions of what already existed within Excel previously, but some new tools are accessible for customers to speed up productivity and make using Excel even easier. Just to list a few:. This function is easier to type and utilise due to the shortened length, but that isn't the only improvement, as this function supports range references as well as cell references. It combines text from multiple ranges or strings, however, it's important to note that it doesn't provide delimiter or IgnoreEmpty arguments.

IFS functions: If you've had enough of using overly complicated IF functions, this is your perfect solution. Using IFS , you can test if one or more conditions are met. The conditions you enter are tested in the order you specified, and if these conditions are met, the result will be returned.

This makes it possible to use IFS instead of having to resort to utilising more than one nested IF statement. SWITCH function: This is a function used to evaluate one expression against a list of values while keeping the order of the list, and returns the very first matching result it finds. In case none of the values matches, an optional default value "else" is given as the result. Accessibility Excel includes a feature to detect accessibility issues in your document and suggest changes in order to ensure that your work is easily readable and editable for people who might have a difficult time understanding it without outside help or have disabilities that restrict them from fully appreciating and perceiving your work.

With the Accessibility Checker, you can review these suggestions and implement them into your document in one click. Just highlight the text you want to translate and select the tool to choose which language you want to translate to.

You also occasionally receive multiple translations for words, which you can review and choose from with provided usage examples in both languages to ensure that your document is as understandable as it can be.

You also have the option to translate whole files. When used, a copy of the translated document will open in another window, giving you the option to save both the original content and the translation.

Easier sharing and collaborating You have the ability to save and share files in the cloud, meaning that you can access all of your data which has been uploaded to the cloud anywhere, anytime, as long as you have access to the internet. This also gives you the ability to share your documents using SharePoint or SkyDrive.

From that point onwards, you have access to share your Excel documents, and the ability to work together on the same document with other people at the same time.


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